Volume 57, Issue 8 p. 910-915


Thomas E. Furman

Thomas E. Furman

Department of Botany, University of New Hampshire, Durham

Deceased 24 August 1970.Search for more papers by this author
First published: 01 September 1970
Citations: 3
Supported by the U. S. Department of State under Grant Authorization 21199. The author ackonwledges the hospitality of the Facultad de Ciencias Forestales, Universidad de los Andes, Mérida, Venezuela.


Podocarpus is a genus of southern hemisphere and tropical conifers which are often important timber trees in their respective ranges. Nodular short-roots were early noted as being similar in gross aspect to legume nodules, and it was inferred that they are Rhizobium-bearing symbiotic structures which fix atmospheric nitrogen. In histological section the nodular short-roots of the Venezuelan species Podocarpus rospigliosii were shown to contain endotrophic mycorrhizae. In a Koch's Postulates test, a fungus isolated from Podocarpus induced the formation of nodular structures on aseptic seedlings. A Nitrogen16 test was negative for fixation of atmospheric N2. Recent work in New Zealand has shown comparable histology in other species of the genus. The mycorrhizae may be important in forestry practice, though not as a source of nitrogen.